Jul 30Liked by Mansi Kwatra

For some reason, where my mum is feels like home. I have never lived in my mum's apartment. She moved there to retire. However, whenever I walk through the door, I'm home. She's my mother and I am her daughter. All my other hats or roles strip away, and I become like a kid again.

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Tears welled up in my eyes as I read your comment Mika!

A mother's love is irreplaceable. I have encountered so many experiences in my life when nobody else was there, but my mother was always next to me. We are lucky to have our moms supporting us, and your kids are lucky to have you supporting them as well💕

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Jul 30Liked by Mansi Kwatra

Love you. God bless u my princess

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Jul 30Liked by Mansi Kwatra

🥰🥰🥰 Thank you xx

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🤍🫶🏼 so beautiful

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That’s beautiful. To me, home is a feeling. ❤️🙏🏽

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☺️ Exactly 💕

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Congratulations on the 1K subs, Mansi, and thanks for sharing my post. This is an excellent essay. For me, home is simple: where I am, with whom I am, at any given point. I try to be deliberate in life, choosing where I am, what I'm doing, and the people I am with. I don't like these imposed on me, and that I choose these makes them home.

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Choosing to be present, I love that Patrick!

The way you think about the world around you and present the reality of situations through your newsletters is bang on.

I have noticed that for me, it's difficult to maintain a connection if it's not in person, and sometimes there is a gap with the friends who moved overseas (the ones I wrote about in this post). Yesterday evening, one of my friends I haven't spoken to in at least 2 months texted me, "I was the one living within a 15 minute distance." and it brought back the feeling of home. Your words make me think that even though we might meet once in 4 years, I can choose to bridge the gap between us instead of letting these friendships go since they are my home, so thank you!

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This is such a beautiful piece.

For me home is the countryside where I grew up - the stone walls, the curlews swooping in the fields, the expansive moorland.

Never mind the fact that I grew up in a small red bricked semi-detached house. We got out into the countryside at every opportunity - the hills were literally on our doorstep - and I always feel at home among hills.

The fact that I have somehow ended up living in the the flattest part of the UK is a source of perpetual bemusement. 🤣

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Hahah!! Louse, I see that you have experience living in different terrains which is so amazing! I have pretty much lived at the same place till now, which has its own charm but it can feel a little restricting sometimes. But the fact that I get to physically be around my parents makes it worth it!✨

PS. Thank you so much for recommending Unwind to your readers. I appreciate you so much!💕

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You are very welcome. Thanks for all that you do.

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Sending so much love and positivity your way💕♥️

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I love the simplicity of how home can be inside you. Thank you for sharing this Mansi. I often say that the body is our own true home. Home for the soul. It’s a feeling rather than a place. I wrote about home too and felt you’d enjoy reading: https://open.substack.com/pub/soulwisdom/p/home?r=a9uns&utm_medium=ios

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Hi Vipul!

Thanks for being here. I really enjoyed reading your post. I love the idea of honouring our biological ancestry and soul ancestry. I hope this journey of finding your home is going well for you!✨

Thank you for sharing your post, I have been thinking a lot about finding home this week and your words gave me some amazing insights!

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Mansi, congrats for the 1000 subs.

Your post made me think where I felt at home. I would definitely say being with my husband and son feels home to me. Other than that any place with a book shelf or even book piles feels like home to me.

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Thank you for being a part of the 1000 Shanjitha!💕

I love your description of home. It’s pretty much the same for me. The people I surround myself with and ofcourse my books. It’s truly a blessing and I try to be grateful for this life everyday✨

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I needed this ❤️ Just moved to a new place and am feeling like I am not at home (ironically… I moved back close to my hometown!). But I find familiarity in routines, too. Like doing yoga, reading in the mornings, and a hug from my partner.

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I get this, Kimber. Sometimes when we leave our hometown to build a life, it’s difficult to readjust to that lifestyle again if we ever come back. Moving closer to your hometown means that you will have more chances to revisit. I hope that you adjust to this huge change soon💕 Sending so much love and positivity your way!

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🥺🥺 thank you so much

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Home is where the heart is (or where it longs to be). 💕 I’ve written a whole academic essay on this once in the context of migration to the UK also with the German concept of having two words for home in mind - one for where you live and one for where you came from and the meaning we give both.

It’s such a fascinating topic and I realised in my current home that it only started to feel like one, when I consciously made it feel like one.

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That's beautiful Carmen!

So many lovely people told me that they have either written about this or thought about this a lot in their life and it makes me so happy to see that us humans still have the capacity to stop amidst the chaos and think about these little things that matter. I wrote this one thinking about my friends who don't live in their hometown anymore and I am so glad I did. Sending love and positivity💕

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Very nice, Mansi. And thank you so much for mentioning my post! 🙏💚

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Thank you Don, appreciate you!✨

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Jul 30Liked by Mansi Kwatra

sometimes me and my laptop on my lap feel like home. typing away my thoughts in a brand new newsletter gives me peace and more familiarity with myself.

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I love that!

Some days, I just wait to get done with all my tasks so that I can peacefully sip my green tea and write my newsletter. The comfort of creating something of your own and also getting to know yourself better in the process indeed is home!

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Home is reading someone else’s words, that are so inviting, and when you enter, you get the feeling that you have arrived, and this is what it must feel like to be at home. At last…

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31Author

This is beautiful💛

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Of course. You’re the centrifuge.

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Jul 30Liked by Mansi Kwatra

Congratulations Mansi.

Your thoughts about "Home" connected and I also long ago did the same related home and wrote a poem on what home feels like for me.

I think where I feel seen without talking and understood without any judgment and where I find myself in my solitude. These things are more important but we always forget thanks for reminding us.

Thank you for recommending it means so much to me when someone connects.🤍

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I love how pure your words are Neha!

Feeling seen without talking is so rare. Protect the people who make you feel this way at all costs. 💕

Thanks for subscribing to my newsletter. I hope you feel loved and valued in this little community ✨

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Jul 30Liked by Mansi Kwatra

As your words..✨

Surely 🧿

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Hey Mansi! Huge congrats on hitting 1000 subscribers—that's amazing! Your thoughts on 'home' really hit home for me (pun intended). I love how you find peace in your zen corner and personal library, and how nature brings you that sense of tranquility. Little things make life so rich. Thanks a ton for recommending my newsletter too. It means a lot to be part of such a supportive community. Keep inspiring us with your beautiful words!

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Hey Mohika!!

Thank you so much for taking out the time to read my words and leave a comment, I really appreciate it💕

I wrote this newsletter keeping in mind my friends who no longer live in their hometowns with theie families. But in a way, I needed to reflect on what home feels like to me as well!

Excited to support you in your Substack journey as well✨

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Jul 30Liked by Mansi Kwatra

I read a long time ago that

Many people in today's society build big houses but don't create a home.

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Those are wise words Vidhan!

Money does give us the freedom to support the lifestyle the we wan't to live, but it can never buy love. A major aspect of creating a home is love. That is why taking care of ourself is also crucial. If we drain ourself in hope of achieving comfort and love, it's really not worth it!

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Mansi, always thoughtful and thought provoking- sooo good. Maybe “home is where peace is”, to use your words? I feel and think home is wherever I am. I love to travel and be in ‘other places’ - I’ll be home wherever I find myself. I’ve lived in lots of places, from fancy hotels and apartments to rooms in slums. Even sitting in a shopping center reading, writing or people-watching, I’m always “home”. Thank you Mansi - blessings

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