Totally resonated with this!! Also, beautiful graphic ✨️

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Thank you!

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So many of my passions revolve around online communities that didn’t exist 40 years ago. I love working on things at home then sending them out into the world through the internet. It took me a while but I’m happy asking for payment for things I create with the many skills I have learned. I go through ups and downs as I suddenly realise I need to get back to creating for me and not for others. I love your diagram. It makes everything so clear.

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I love this, Val!

The struggle to navigate our passion in a world where everyone runs after convention is real. But we glad to be even doing it, because many people only focus on running as fast as they can.

Welcome to this lovely community of Unwind💛

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So relatable as this is my current struggle now as I try to figure out my next career path. It's a battle - in a way I don't want to have my passion become my source of monetization, but on the other, I struggle to work in a job that doesn't give space for my passions (and my errands and social life, etc. etc.)

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I think a lot of us fear that we will lose the drive and actually leave behind our passion if we use it to make money. But if we approach this situation with intention (and a little effort), we can enjoy a life where we are allowed to pursue our passion without it feeling like work!

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That's the goal :)

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Beautiful ❤️

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Thank you friend!🤍

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Love this! "If you want to break the shackles of a life on autopilot, find what centres you back to the present moment and do it consistently until it becomes part of your daily schedule. Remember, you don’t have to be the best at everything. Some things should be done simply because they make you feel at peace in the now."

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So glad it resonated!

I spent so many years aiming for perfection, only to realise later that all I wanted was to enjoy doing something that made me happy without any pressure.

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I think it’s a daily struggle for me as well, and your words kind of laid my thoughts into words so easily. After reading this I felt someone is speaking up my mind.

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