Interesting observations, Mansi, and thanks for that quote.

Things do change quickly on here. Notes did well in Feb and March (for me), but things have slowed down. Now, at 1K, posts get fewer views than when I had 400 subs. On Notes, reach is much reduced.

'Success' if very fluid. Nothing is permanent. We should do things because it makes sense to do them, regardless of the adulation from onlookers.

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Thank you for your insight Patrick! I also noticed how Notes has slowed down in the last few months and how pictures are now getting more engagement than written content. I guess that is true for life as well, nothing stays the same always. It's both a blessing and a curse I feel :)

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Thank you for the inclusion Mansi!

I love the transparency of your journey. The addiction of success, or in the case others affirming our art, is real. As I deal with the realness of it, I'm learning what boundaries are required to keep myself centered.

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Thank you Jamal!

The best part is acknowledging the fact that success can be addicting and choosing to stay grounded no matter how quickly things change. All the best to you for setting these boundaries✨

And thank you for being here, really appreciate your presence🙏🏻

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Mansi, you're right, growth is never linear. We all have these ebbs and flows. And never did I dream I'd have over 4K subscribers on an email list, no matter WHAT topic lol. I give full credit to Substack and the amazing community here. 🙌

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Substack really is different from other social media platforms. It's so amazing to connect with such lovely people here (including you)✨

Love your content Kristi, you deserve every single one of those 4k subscribers!

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Thank you Mansi, and so do you! The only way is UP!

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Want a great reminder - success is an addiction, and yes don’t hold on to something that’s not forever yours and also, let go of number expectations. You’ve built a beautiful community Mansi! 🌸 I’m sure with the seasonal shifts (depending on where the majority of your reads come from) things will change again

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Thank you for being a part of this wonderful community Carmen!

I am so blessed to even have what I have, it was a distant dream once. I am really looking forward to how our respective journeys unfold on Substack✨

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Reading honest stories like this makes me realize that I’m not alone in ebbs and flows of this path. One day I get good reach another there is nothing. Maybe I have to change my metric of measuring success.

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Well said. I think nobody has it consistent. We are all figuring out as we go, that's the best part about it because it takes off so much pressure to consistently align with an algorithm that keeps changing every second.

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Beautiful read Mansi. I can relate to this personally as I found my definition of ' success' in the most unexpected way. Nothing went the way it was 'supposed to be' but in the end it was for the better and I want to share this with anyone struggling to get what they want: put your efforts and follow your signs. Maybe what's in store for you is much bigger than you expect it to be, you have to keep going to find out.

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YES Saima! So well said.

When I started this newsletter, 50 was a huge number, because I had never started anything from scratch in my life. And surprisingly, when I know that I am not doing this for money or to get famous, I see results that I never expected.

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Absolutely Mansi 🔥

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Thank you for sharing these honest words 🙏 I’m only three months in, but am very much enjoying Substack…but everything is temporary, and I’m enjoying it for as long as it lasts, without any grand ambitions.

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Thank you David! I am glad you choose to see things this way. This will certainly help you a lot in life.✨

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Thank you so much for so candidly sharing your journey! A few things: I WISH there was Substack when I was in my early 20’s (especially in college). The sad, lost, moody girl needed this space 🫶🏼 Second, I love that you pointed out the addiction of success becuase it’s so real. It’s hard to not obsess over the numbers, and then to not feel a pang when they change. It’s all part of it, but it can be hard!

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Thank you so much for being here💕

I agree right? I only discovered Substack around 23 (still early) but I so wish that I had this platform as a teenager. Substack is basically the only social media I use at this point and I love it🌻

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You are so right Mansi. Success is something we define for ourselves and becoming clear on it makes life much more enjoyable. Thank you!

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Thank you for being here Donna!💕

I fully admit to being a 'rat' in the rat-race once upon a time. I even remember the exact moment I stepped out of it. That also happens to be the exact same moment when I separated my definition of success with what society expected me to do. It completely changed my life for the good.

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Jun 19Liked by Mansi Kwatra

Thanks for sharing your lessons and experience so openly, Mansi!

It is true that it is very hard not to have certain expectations once you observe growth, and then not to be disappointed if reality doesn't match them. But it is indeed just the ebb and flow of things :)

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Thank you for being here Milena!

Your presence is much appreciated.💕

What you said is absolutely true. Navigating success is as challenging as navigating failure. I guess that is the beauty of this life✨

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Congratulations on your wonderful and growth oriented journey of success and failure on Substack.

It's great that you stuck on this platform for this long. Looking ahead to read more such insightful blogs from you Mansi


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Thank you Himanshu! 😁

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Thank you Mansi for this. I’m 5 weeks into my Substack journey and I’m hoping to see some change soon. Sometimes it still feels like I’m writing into oblivion because I don’t have a lot of friends on Substack yet. I do interact a lot with others I admire. I’m curious to know, if it’s okay for you to share, I’ve been seeing these posts saying ‘a big name on Substack needs to recommend you to grow’ - did you go through this? And how to get a big name to help you out.

Some questions that are keeping me up at night haha. But I’m happy to create more than I consume for now.

Btw, I think our newsletter themes are on similar lines. You might like some of my stuff, and if you check it out at all, please do share your suggestions if any.

Thank you and fantastic work.

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