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That's lovely! Making my pledge.

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Jul 15Liked by Mansi Kwatra

I think every day we could feel like we don’t have enough time or feel the pressure of the long term goals vs what needs to be done right now. I loved your perspective on it. I know that you will be able to do all the things you have in your mind, we might not know the exact time line or we will have to manage the distractions that come your way. I did the majority of my travelling after my 20s. If it’s a priority and you keep it a priority it will happen! 💕

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Thank you for much for sharing your perspective Mika! I think what you mention about not knowing the exact timeline is absolutely true. I think I have dreamed of travelling for so long that it has started to frustrate me a bit when it hasn't turned into a reality yet. But on the flip side, I have been saving consistently and would be able to afford frequent trips in the near future. Sometimes, what we wish for does not come true in an instant and it's absolutely okay. I will keep your words in mind and make sure that travelling always stays a priority of mine!

Sending so much love from India 💝

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Another thought provoking read Mansi!

I almost look at this from the other way round - it is an excited, curious mind that sets so many goals and intentions and may well bite off more than it can chew at times, but I don't mind. Similar to the joy found in the planning of a holiday as much as when you land at your destination, I think dreaming and wanting and indulging in the wonder of it all can be just as fun, if we let ourselves relish in the dreaming part a little rather than just focusing on the results. Some intentions make it through the other side, but some are happy to dance about in the possibility of it all!

Thank you Mansi and thank you for the mention. Your support is valued as always.

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I love that perspective Emily!🥹

Thank you for your words, as always. There is so much power in anticipation, and I recently read somewhere that anticipating exciting things in life plays an important role in motivating us. I don’t want to let go of this wandering mind, I think it’s a beautiful thing to have💕

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“Some intentions make it through the other side, but some are happy to dance about in the possibility of it all!” I love that Emily! Totally agree on the fun of simply dreaming, not just results. And for me I think the learning along the way is equally important, whether the goals are accomplished or not, there’s always some nuggets of insight in there.

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Time is so precious. Spend it wisely.

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That’s true Bryan!

It’s all about the choices we make in each moment.✨

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Everything comes at the expense of something. Stability isn't free, too. Normally, it's the case that we are actually realizing our dreams. However, they keep changing, and thus something will always be out of reach.

This race has begun for anyone conscious enough to have dreams. Unmet needs will always feel very powerful. I think appreciating how far we've come, and how much we once yearned for what we have now, can help.

Nice article, Mansi!

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That is such good advice Patrick!

I think we look at big goals, but often forget that success is hardly achieved over time. It’s good to have dreams because they keep us motivated in life. But it’s equally important to not chain ourselves with timelines to achieve those dreams. I love that you mentioned that these dreams keep changing. That is a good perspective to have!

Thanks again, Patrick!

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Yes, whilst I do like a deadline for some goals to keep me focused, any unachieved goals that we still want are a work in progress.

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Well said Wendy!

I feel exactly the same✨

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Such a thoughtful piece. Like you I set intentions at the start of the year but to be honest I rarely achieve any of them. I'm far more likely to meet a goal if I set it when I feel the time is right, rather than at an arbitrary point in the calendar. The start of the year is an intense time for many reasons and changing my established patterns of behaviour rarely works for me then.

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I agree Louise!

I have been contemplating not setting intentions in January from next year onwards. Intentions can be set at anytime during the year, not just the first month of each year. Here’s to letting go of the pressure to fit into society’s expectations of productivity and intention setting ✨💕

Also, thank you for being here. I really appreciate your support 🫂

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Another interesting reflection from you Mansi, thanks. I think you maybe too hard on yourself. Why have so many "intentions"? Maybe go with a couple that are achievable and that you can develop the resource to undertake. eg travel: start saving $ and you will get there sooner than you think - it works, I've seen others do it as have I. Go for something and rejoice when it's done, then you can pass on the other "intentions". Blessings Cecil

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It is evident that your advice comes from tons of life experience Cecil, and I appreciate it so much!

You have nudged me to think from a different perspective about these intentions. Now that I think of it, I have been saving money to travel for a long time already. And the fact that I have been doing that means that I will have a choice to afford frequent travel when the right time comes. I really needed to hear your words. So grateful that you shared this wisdom with me. Thank you, sending so much positivity your way!✨

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"Here’s everything I wanted to achieve in the first half of 2024 but couldn’t" is an unintentionally perfect journal prompt. I added it to my prompt list and plan on adding my own inputs later. thank you for sharing.

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I totally resonate with this Mansi! I always used to hold myself to certain New Year’s resolutions and I accomplished a couple of them 1 year (e.g. publishing every day and losing weight), but the thing about having New Year’s resolutions is that nothing is fully accomplished in just a year. Sure, you can gain momentum, but it’s harder to maintain it as long as possible. Plus, like you said, tons of chaos can happen within that time frame. I pretty much stopped setting New Year’s resolutions unless it’s just a small goal I hope to reach, but not hell bent on reaching. Life was meant for curiosity and growing every single day and that’s never finished within a year. Thank you so much for sharing this! Your newsletter is awesome by the way! Just subscribed! :)

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