I learned more in July than in the last six months combined simply by living day to day. We trade our present for two things: a) Things we did in the past and b) Things we want to do in the future. We don't realise how casually we bargain the present that is certain for something uncertain.
Here are six things I learned in July, the month I chose to live in the present (Well, mostly!) :
You decide how to experience your simple everyday life. If you choose to believe that everything in life sucks, it will suck. If you choose to believe that there is growth even in mundane life, you will grow.
Do not let anybody make you believe that you failed at something. If you think you are not good enough right now, you will only get better with practice.
When you do something you love, after a point, the pressure to be the best at it will linger on your shoulder. Frequently revisit the feeling of excitement and joy you felt when you were just starting.
Time flies when life is good. So try to be present in the now as much as possible.
In continuation to the previous point, time seems to move slow when something doesn't feel right to you in life. Reflect and acknowledge what needs to be changed.
The number of small moments in life are more than the number of big moments. If you learn how to enjoy the small moments, you will have fewer complaints about life. We all know how to enjoy the big moments anyway.
What were your learnings in July?
Time flies when life is good. So try to be present in the now as much as possible.
So relatable to me, Whenever I experience some happy moments in my life, I can't even imagine how time flies so quickly. I wish I could just stop the time and try to live it fully once more. But sadly, time just flows. It's better to immerse yourself in the joy/happy moments to able to recollect those emotions or feelings later on in future.