Much like everything else, the world has changed a lot. Economies have advanced. The standard of living has improved. Wars have started and ended. The only thing that has remained constant is the conversation around money still being swept under the rug. I wonder why, as kids, we are not encouraged to educate ourselves about money. I wonder why, as teenagers, we are not made aware of the value of financial literacy- something that has the power to change lives if taught early.
“Can money buy happiness?” - It’s a question that has been asked and answered for ages. The truth is that money is a means, but it’s not an end. It’s certainly not a bad thing, as some people may claim. It is something you need to survive in this world, but it’s not something to be chased.
If you ask me: Yes, money can buy happiness. It can buy comfort. It can buy a roof under which you can live peacefully. But there’s a point beyond which more of it will leave you feeling less fulfilled. The good thing is that you can choose that threshold for yourself, as you should.
There’s a mantra I live by, which is inspired by a line I read somewhere. It says, “Life is beautiful, and I do have the time.” Life is still beautiful, but there are many days when I keep going only to sustain myself in this world. To truly have the freedom of your time, start saving as early as you can and do it as consistently as you can, as it is always the smartest choice no matter your age. Most importantly, remember that you can still lead an abundant life as you grow your wealth. Slow down. Look around. Spend time nurturing genuine connections, because they are as crucial for your survival as money is.

Things I Have Learned About Money As An - Almost - 24 Year Old
Your bank balance has nothing to do with your worth. It’s the way you live your life that matters. You don’t have to be the richest person in the room to be the happiest.
When the time comes to build your wealth, there should be a finish line somewhere, and you should roughly know where that is for you. Because if you don’t know when to stop, you will keep chasing more until the day you won’t be on this planet anymore.
While saving is good, every once in a while, it doesn’t hurt to spend some money doing something that will make you smile. I know this because, after almost three years of earning full-time and being extremely cautious with the way I spend my money, I finally realised that sometimes, it’s okay to buy extra scented candles or take myself out on a fancy lunch or buy a slightly expensive puzzle because it makes me happy.
If you are generous in using your money to help others in need, it comes back in greater ways than you can imagine. The need to accumulate money often overpowers kindness in this world. Choose to take a small step at your end to change that. There isn’t a need or an expectation to give everything you have, but you should give as much as you can.
I would love to know, what does your relationship with money look like? I invite you to the comments to have some insightful discussions!
- . I have been enjoying reading poetry lately and this one by Kiana was a nice addition to my reading list this week.
The way to make the impossible happen is to believe it’s possible by
. Elin writes about the power of manifestation in turning dreams into reality and I am all for it!- . I am a HUGE advocate of showing up consistently, even if it’s for 5 minutes every day to simplify your life. If you are struggling to start, this short piece will serve as an inspiration for you to take that first step!
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I was taught to always be cautious with money (don’t overspend, always have savings, etc) and as a freelancer, I’ve felt a bit constricted with my money. Since my income isn’t always as stable as someone with a 9-5, I can sometimes cling too tightly to my earnings, worrying that I shouldn’t spend money on unnecessary things cause what if I my income changes next month? So I’m working on having an abundance mindset, rather than coming from a place of lack.
I grew up being told money is bad and rich people are bad and money can run out so you need to always save. It’s taken me a long time to see money as a beautiful way to exchange services and goods with and as you say, yes it can buy happiness and peace of mind to a degree.
It’s been very freeing for me to have paid off my final big junk of student loans this year where now I know, I don’t own anyone any money.
A great post Mansi! Thank you